LEHF UKMT Junior Maths Challenge Results

LEHF UKMT Junior Maths Challenge Results

LEH International School Foshan is proud to celebrate the exceptional achievements of our students in the highly esteemed UKMT Junior-Level Mathematics Competition. This success not only highlights the individual accomplishments of our students but also showcases the strength of our school's mathematics education.


What is the UKMT Junior-Level Mathematics Competition?

The UKMT Junior-Level Mathematics Competition is a prestigious national competition in the United Kingdom for students at the junior level, typically between the ages of 11 and 14. It challenges these young mathematicians with math problems to test their problem-solving skills and mathematical abilities, providing a platform for them to showcase their talent and passion for mathematics.

The Mathematics Department extends its warmest congratulations to all participants, with special recognition for our budding mathematicians from the Prep School who joined us for this competition. Their dedication and enthusiasm for mathematics have been truly inspiring.





The achievements of our students in the competition were truly outstanding. Bronze certificates were awarded to David (Year 5/6), Constance (Year 7), Mina (Year 7), Tommy (Year 8), Hassan (Year 8), and Daniel (Year 8), recognising their commendable performance. 


Several students demonstrated exceptional mathematical aptitude, earning Silver certificates. Tom (Year 5), Alison (Year 5/6), and Dareo, Antonio, Amy, Ivy, Tina, Martin, and Samantha from Year 7 all received this well-deserved recognition. 
Additionally, we extend our congratulations to Egbert from Year 4 for receiving the Best in Year award alongside a Silver certificate.



We are thrilled to announce that an impressive total of 10 Gold certificates were awarded to Joanne, Nicole, Tai, Mathea, Simon, and Ryan from Year 7, as well as Michael, Guim, Harry, and Suki from Year 8. 





此外,我们很高兴地告诉大家,8年级的 Suki 和7年级的 Ryan 获得了参加下一轮比赛的资格。他们在135分满分的比赛中取得了118分的优异成绩,获得了“全校最佳奖”证书。他们将在6月15日参加下一场的考试,代表佛山霍利斯自豪出战!

佛山霍利斯 数学学科
