Cultivate Eco-Leadership in LEHF Prep Students

Cultivate Eco-Leadership in LEHF Prep Students

LEH International School Foshan is dedicated to nurturing compassionate future global leaders who are not only knowledgeable in various disciplines but also well-equipped with a sense of environmental commitment. With Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) being one of the key concepts of the school’s curriculum, we seek to instil in students an understanding of their impact on the planet and the need to care for our environment. This starts from the beginning of Prep School, with our youngest students. 

One of the ways that we achieve this goal at Prep School is through the Eco Ambassadors programme, which is made up of a group of Prep students from various year groups who are passionate about environmental conservation and sustainability. The Eco Ambassadors are engaged in action planning, decision-making and monitoring success, leading to a wide range of whole school initiatives and events, which aim to have an impact on both the school and the local and global community.

In this article, we invite our Prep Teacher Mr Connor Lewis who leads the Eco Ambassadors team to share more information about these ambassadors with you. 


Mr Lewis

“The Eco Ambassadors work with the same goal in mind that young children all over the world are waking up to – Taking action. Generations before us have led the planet to a critical point where the planet is in danger, and we want to take action to change that.”


Who are the Eco Ambassadors? 


Daijing, Y4


Tom, Y5


Alina, Y5


Barry, Y5/6

“We need to do things to change. You can make changes every day!” “We need to do things to change. You can make changes every day!” “I can always think how to save nature and remind other people to save nature too! What I want to change is stop waste!” "I will help my class to recycle and I can make a paper bin. I will help LEHF by working on making a beautiful garden with lots of life."


How are they chosen? 

Student leadership is an essential part of LEH Foshan, and this couldn’t be clearer than in our proud Eco Ambassador’s. Eco Ambassadors are selected by application at the start of the academic year, and applicants are asked to write a short essay describing why they are a perfect applicant for the job. Application forms are reviewed by Mr Lewis, and those who are deemed to be the most passionate, understanding and innovative students are chosen to lead sustainability in the school. 


What have they done so far? 

The Eco Ambassadors have been instrumental in promoting sustainability at LEH Foshan Prep School. They have initiated a variety of eco-centric activities, for example: 

  • They have meetings fortnightly to discuss what we notice and what we can change.
  • They came up with some of the ideas for the earth day exhibition, including asking stalls to come in and having student-led games.
  • They founded the LEHF Prep Garden and helped teach other children how to use it respectfully.
  • They look after the plants and animals in the school (cleaning fish tanks and watering plants) with support from their peers.
  • They maintain a notice board in the Prep School, where they add new information and updates.
  • They spoke in an assembly in front of the whole Prep School talking about what sustainability is and what we do about it in LEHF.
  • They keep children motivated about sustainability and remind them of ways we can support this in our classroom.
  • They founded the compost heap, making sure children compost fruit waste every day and look after the earthworms in it.

Mark your calendar!

As part of their ongoing efforts to raise awareness for sustainability, the Eco Ambassadors are now working diligently on an upcoming event – an Earth Day Exhibition and Eco Market on 22 April. The event is open to public and we invite you and your family to take this opportunity to learn more about sustainable practices and support our Eco Ambassadors' endeavours.


Prep School Garden Project

One of their most significant achievements is the establishment of the Prep School Garden, which has now become an essential part of the school’s sustainability efforts. Through the garden project, students are taught various techniques such as loosening soil, planting, watering, fertilising, and utilising light and earthworms to aid in the rapid growth of plants. Not only does this initiative impart knowledge on gardening, but it also highlights the significance of cultivating plants and caring for the environment, thus connecting it to other disciplines like biology, geography, and global perspectives.

The time for action on sustainability is now! The Eco Ambassadors programme at LEH Foshan Prep School is creating a new generation of environmentally conscious and responsible students and future leaders. They are taking action, and we should too. Every small action counts, but we must also push for bigger changes in our communities, schools, and beyond. Let's be part of the green revolution, act boldly, innovate broadly, and implement equitably for a partnership for the planet. It's time to take action and be accountable for a better future, our future.